Wednesday, January 29, 2014

I hope

I hope he knows that he is still part of our lives. I hope he knows he is and always will be a part of this family. I hope he knows that I am shedding these tears for him. I hope he knows that my heart still aches for the kicks I felt. I hope he knows that his heartbeat will be a sound I will never forget and that I will always miss. I hope he knows that he made me the happiest person in the world when he came into our lives. I hope he knows that the day we lost him, I too died. I hope he knows that he has made me the mother I am today. I hope he knows how grateful I am that he chose me as his mother. I hope he knows that I am so grateful for everything he has taught me. I hope he knows how much we love him. I hope he knows how much I miss him. I hope he knows how much I think about him. I hope he knows that he is not forgotten.

Jack. My son. I hope you can hear me.

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