Tuesday, February 4, 2014

My amazing daughter

I would like to rave about the awesomeness of my daughter. She truly is a gift and a miracle and I am so proud of her. Sean and I can honestly already say we have an intelligent, gifted daughter. Sure I may be biased, but I can see it and I can feel it. She picks up words daily. She follows routine and procedure fluidly. And she recognizes things easily. She tries to sing her ABC's and she already takes part in the E I E I O part of Old McDonald. When I open the dishwasher, she rushes over to help me. And oh does she try so hard to help! She pulls out the silverware and opens the proper drawer and puts them in. They may not go in the right place, but they're in the correct drawer. She pulls out whatever she can and hands it to me. When it's bed time, she knows when to go to brush her teeth (I sing our little "brusha brusha" song). She is such a big girl now, she stands on a stool all on her own and opens her mouth as I brush her teeth at the sink. She then goes straight to her bedroom and awaits our nightly procedure. She even takes part by pressing her seahorse that lights up. My daughter is amazing. I tell her that everyday. She is growing up so fast and I am in awe each day at the new things she shows us.

We are so lucky to have such an easy going daughter who sleeps through the night. We are so lucky to have such a smart daughter that I know will only make us more proud as she grows up. We are so lucky to have a daughter that enjoys doing the things we enjoy to do. I am so grateful for Samantha.

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