Monday, January 13, 2014

Be grateful has their bad days. Everyone has the right to have bad days. We all go through them. People complain about Mondays,  about something going with significant others, about their parents, and so much more. Life is hard. Life is stressful. I get that. But I hope you realize that no matter what kind of day you're having, you have so much to be grateful for. There's always something in your life to be thankful for whether it be material things, family, or friends. Or if you're lucky, all of the above. Have those bad days when you just want to vent and scream. Have those days when you just can't deal with anyone. Have those days when you just want to complain about everything and everyone. I get those days. We all have them. But nowadays, I try to breathe. I just take some deep breaths and remember that no matter the crap we go through, no matter how low we go, no matter what we have lost, there are people and things in our lives that we have to be grateful for. I have been through some sh*t. I would think you would agree. I am still going through tough times. But I am trying to remember that throughout all the darkness and heartache, I have to remember that people can't always deserve my negativity. Especially those people that are important to me. Most importantly, my daughter. I am trying so hard to show gratitude and positivity and boy is it hard, but I'm trying. So try too. Try not to let the little things get you down. Try not hold grudges. Try to realize that no matter how hard you may think you have and no matter how crappy your day feels, someone out there has it much worse. Just try. And no matter how bad you do think you have it, things could be worse and things will get better.

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