Thursday, October 3, 2013

Two Years

2 years ago I went in for a routine checkup with my OB. 2 years ago, we couldn't find a heart beat. 2 years ago, I saw Jack's lifeless body and flat line on the ultrasound. They say time heals all wounds, but I disagree. Time may make the memory feel more distant, and it may make it easier for the days to go by. However, time does not heal the wound of a heart break. My heart will always be missing a huge piece. Jack's absence will always, always be there, and no time, nothing anyone could do or say can fix that. My first child, my son, my baby boy is missing from my life. He's supposed to be a happy 2 year old boy walking around our house and showing us all the new things he's learning. He's supposed to be learning new words and possibly saying his ABC's. He's supposed to be learning how to do things in the garage with his daddy. He's supposed to be giving his mommy hugs and kisses. Instead, Jack's memory is in our minds and in our hearts. Our friends and family continue to celebrate his memory through prayer, through thoughts, and through butterfly sightings.

Tonight, we will light 2 lanterns to signify the 2 years that our angel baby is in heaven. We hope that he is watching from above and that he knows how much he is loved and thought of. He is not forgotten. His memory will live forever through us and his sister will know all about him.

I love you, Jack. I think of you all the time. Happy 2nd birthday in heaven, my sweet prince.

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