Friday, October 25, 2013

Goodnight, Jack day 753.

As I lay Samantha to sleep (which is very rare these days because of my back), I let her know you are watching over her. You are her big brother, her guardian angel, and I am so grateful of that. But, my darling boy, I wish you were her with us. We lost you 753 days ago. I can't believe it still. I can't believe that day happened and I can't believe how long it's been.

Goodnight, sweet prince. I would cradle you in my arms, hold you on my lap, and give you sweet kisses while taking in every whiff of scent that I can. We miss you. You are forever in our hearts. I hope that where you are your dreams are sweet and you are being watched over just as you are watching over us. I love you, my son. I love you more than words can describe. I hope you can sense the feelings and emotions that get lodged in my throat, that turn my stomach into knots, that tear my heart into pieces, and that bring tears into my eyes.

Goodnight, my beautiful baby boy. I love you. I love you. I love you.

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