Wednesday, October 16, 2013

What a Difference

Two years ago, yesterday, I was a mess. I didn't think I could face the world. I wanted to curl up into a ball and join my son. Two years ago, on October 15th, my son was supposed to be born into this world, crying, screaming, alive. Instead, 2 weeks earlier, we found out he was gone. Instead, 2 years ago on October 15th, we planted a tree in his memory. I was crying, I was miserable, I just wanted to be with him.

This year, I have my daughter to keep me smiling and to keep me going. This year, I remember Jack with the fondest of memories and all I do is try to keep his memory alive. I miss you, my sweet baby boy. Every year I will look back on the days of the month of October and only think of you; no matter how much time passes.

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