Sunday, October 20, 2013

Daddy's Little Girl

Since starting working and because of my back surgery, Sean has spent a lot more time one on one with Samantha. He's head over heels in love with his daughter. I can see it. I can hear it. It's obvious. He asks her for kisses. He loves getting hugs from her. He tells her he loves her all the time, he enjoys spending every morning with her, and he loves taking her to daycare. He is so proud of her. Watching Sean be the father I knew he would be is amazing. It makes me fall in love with him all over again. And then I see how she is with him. She used to be ALL about me. She wouldn't leave my side and she cried every time I left her behind, even with Sean. Now, she runs to him, hugs him, and follows him around. Daddy is her number one guy. Hands down.
I remember when Sean was scared to have a baby. He was hesitant when we started trying. He didn't know how he would handle a teeny tiny baby, the diapers, the crying, the tantrums. When we lost Jack, he was the first to say that he wanted to do everything possible in order to try for another baby. He said if it was a test, he knew then that he really did want to be a father. When I surprisingly got pregnant with Samantha, he again was scared. I mean, who wouldn't be? We lost a baby only a few months before. When he heard we were having a girl, I could tell he was a little bummed. He wanted a son so badly, especially after Jack. Then Samantha came into our lives. He fell in love with her in an instant and he became the daddy I knew he would be. He was a natural.
Now, as Samantha grows up so fast, I see that Sean is enjoying her every single day. And he still has so many more moments to look forward to because he can't wait for her to get older to do more and more with him.
I love my family. I love my husband and our daughter. There is no doubt about that. However, our little family is missing a huge piece. Jack is forever in our hearts and his memory will live on forever. I wish I could say I could not ask for more. But I can. I can ask for my son back. But I can at least the love Sean, Samantha, and I share helps us get through the darkest days.

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