Wednesday, November 6, 2013


My Samantha is amazing. She puts a smile on my face. When she gives me hugs, my heart literally skips a beat. As I watch her play or look at a book, I can't help but be proud. I appreciate her, I am grateful for having a daughter like her, and I will always believe that she is a miracle. So people may wonder and think that I should just be grateful for her and that should help me with my sadness about Jack. Think about that for a second. Which of your children would you choose to live without? No one should live without any of their children. No one should lose a child. It is painful, it sucks, and it makes me cry to this day. Samantha makes the days a little bit easier and she helps me live my life with love and for my family. But I miss my Jack. And I hate that I can't just see him one more time. 

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