Thursday, September 12, 2013

Hi ho, hi ho..... it's back to work I go!

Well, after a year of being pretty much a stay at home mom, I have officially been hired to be a full time kindergarten teacher. When I found out from the principal, I cried tears of joy. And shock! Thanks to my darling friend, Jen, this is actually happening. I am beginning a new journey. Entries on my blog will now include my experiences as a teacher. A teacher! I can't believe I can finally say that without the word "substitute" in front of it. I'm excited, I'm nervous, and I'm already broke. I've spent so much money getting stuff for my classroom! LOL.

I am so grateful that I was able to spend a year at home with Samantha. I know many people don't or can't do that. It pains me that I have to leave her behind throughout the day. It pains me that she and I won't be able to spend every second together or even as much time as recently. But mommy is setting a great example. She's working! And now I continue to be grateful that my hours won't be too late, I will have holidays and summers off, and I will be able to have the same schedule as Samantha when she is eventually in school.

Well, wish me luck... I hope that my teaching journey (which should begin on Monday) is nice and smooth and as fulfilling as I expect it to be. I'm sure it will be!

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