Friday, September 20, 2013

One Year

It's been one year since we said good bye to my father. My amazing, sweet father. My father who I miss more than I ever thought I would. My father was one of the most amazing people in the world. He was kind. He was gentle. Anyone who met him thought so and anyone who met him is lucky. I wish I did not take him for granted. I wish that I spent more time with him. I wish that I could take away some of the feelings I felt like the annoyance or the frustration. I wish that I could have at least spent one more day with him.

Now that I have Samantha and she has become the person she is today, I miss my father even more. I wish he could see her walk and hear her talk. I wish he could see her personality. I could ONLY imagine how in love with her he would be. I would give anything to watch him with her at this stage in her life.

I really hope that heaven is real. I really hope that Papa is with Jack and watching over us. It's been one year and I still can not believe that he is gone. Tears fill my eyes as I think of how much I miss my father. I love you, Papo.

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