Friday, October 5, 2012

Please don't forget

As the year has passed, I can only hope that people have not forgotten about Jack. Is that too much to ask? Do people think and assume that I am over him and his loss? That I don't need them anymore? I can only appreciate those that are still there for me and that will be there for me when I am celebrating his 5th birthday in heaven or even his 20th. Why is it that when the worst things happen to us, it is only then that we realize who really can be the ones there and the ones to be counted on? Maybe it is through these times that we become selfish and expect support that people can not offer. Do we punish them for that? I can only try my hardest to hold my head high and focus on the positive in my life. I need to finally learn to just count on the people that I know will be there instead of those that I hope will be but I know won't. I need to stop having false hope. The only hope that I can have is that everyone, even those who are not always there, will remember Jack. Remember him as my son. Remember that he does exist. Remember that we do have a son. Remember that Samantha does have a brother. No matter what and no matter who comes and goes in our lives, I will make sure that Jack's memory lives on.

1 comment:

  1. I will always remember Jack,your Son,Samantha's brother...,he lives on in your and many hearts more,always! xxx chr
