Thursday, September 27, 2012


I'm visiting my mother. I want her to continue to see me and see Samantha. I want to continue to spend time with her. Even if it is just sitting next to her, words being exchanged or not. I look around he room and I see my dad's things. I see his Toms shoes, his clothes, and many other things. How sad. How very sad. I miss him and I still can't believe he's gone. I know it's better that my mother doesn't understand that her darling husband is no longer with us. But at the same time, I think it's sad that she can't grieve. I don't know. It's all so difficult.


  1. That must be so hard Krysia. I'm so sorry. Hugs from Krk. A.

  2. I know that pain too well,it is so hard.But you are doing the right thing,keep seeing your mother,I believe she knows more than you think,I had that with my mother,even though she did not show it,or can't show is sad,so sad...and I am so sorry for the loss of your dad.I am glad he had the chance to meet Samantha,cherish those pictures chr
