Monday, September 10, 2012


I dropped Samantha off at Sean's mother's house today. Reason why? My father, Sam's grandfather, is still in the hospital. I was a little sad dropping her off. I only think and wish that I could take her to MY mother and have MY mother watch her. I wish my mother knew who her granddaughter is and I wish she could spend the time with her that I know she would have wanted to. My mom always loved kids. She always said how much she looked forward to having grandkids. And now she has one, and she can't enjoy it. Ok, she can enjoy it, but she doesn't know what she is enjoying. She has yet to hold her granddaughter. It hurts. It does, but it's just something that I've accepted. I just wish Samantha could meet my mother as the woman I remember. And I just wish my mother could spend time with Samantha in a way that she would truly remember and cherish.

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