Sunday, September 2, 2012

11 months

Tomorrow is 11 months since we lost our baby boy. I can't believe it. I'm dreading it. Thinking of it just makes me cry. My baby girl will be there to comfort me and see me through the dark day, but Jack will be missing. Jack will always be missing. I can not believe that he would have been 11 months tomorrow. Time has gone by way too fast. How will I feel when the 10th year comes? Or the 18th? He is so loved and so cherished. So why did he have to be taken away? To this day, and forever, I will ask myself that question. I look a Sam, and think of her brother. I think how it would be if he was here. I think how he SHOULD be here. It's so unfair. 11 months. I am dreading next month....................

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