Wednesday, August 15, 2012

One Week

Samantha is one week old. The time is already going by too fast. I can't wait to see how she develops but I don't want to waste any of the moments we have with her. I want to cherish every single second.
I've had those baby blues that I guess people warned me about. Nothing major, but tears of fatigue and frustration mostly due to breastfeeding. For some reason or another, I turn to asking Jack for strength. I wish I could hold him and I feel like if that could happen, everything would be ok. I hope he continues to watch over us. His little sister will need him.
Other than that, things are amazing. I am on cloud nine. Sean is the best daddy I could ask for my daughter and being the best, most supportive husband I could ask him to be to me. I feel very lucky about that. :-)

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