Tuesday, November 12, 2013


I am thankful for the family I grew up with. I have amazing parents. I could not have asked for better role models. I had an amazing childhood that I would not have had changed for the world. My mother was always there for me. She was like my friend. My father was the most kindhearted man I know. He would have done anything for his three girls. My sister is always there for me. Yes we have had ups and downs and there were times when we did not agree or get along. But through it all, I know I can count on my sister no matter what. I am thankful for all my cousins and aunts and uncles. I am so proud to say that I am a Grocholski. My family has a great and rich history and it makes me so honored to be a part of it. I have cousins that I consider my best friends. I have cousins that are more like siblings to me.

I am thankful for my friends. I have old friends who I have known for many years and friends who I met and became close to in recent years. But there are the select few that have been there for me, who are there for me, and who I know I can count on in the future. I have learned over the years that not everyone sticks around and you don't always remain friends with people. But there are the select few friends you can count on no matter what. The friends that I have that I know I can believe in are the ones I am most grateful for. Without them and their constant care for me, I would not be where I am today.

I am thankful for Sean. I still have fun with him. I love spending time with him. I continue to get butterflies when he shows up unexpectedly somewhere. Sean and I have been through a lot. We have had drama in the past, we have had our ups and downs, and even more so, we have been through hell and back. And of course, we have been blessed. Through it all, I could not imagine doing it with anyone else. Sean has proven to me that he is the one person I want and need in my life until the end. Sean is the father to my children that I always imagined him to be. It gives me such joy to watch him with Samantha and it gives me such pride to listen to him talk about Jack.

I am thankful for Samantha. I am in awe every single day at her beauty and how smart she is. She has an amazing spirit. She has the ability to make me smile even on my darkest days. She has brought hope back into our lives and I can honestly say she was worth waiting for. Sean and I are blessed and we are grateful that our daughter is so easy going, so happy, and so intelligent. We are overwhelmed with how wonderful she is. I am so thankful everyday for my Samantha, my daughter, my rainbow baby, my miracle.

I am thankful for Jack. My first child, my son, my baby who made me a mother. Being pregnant with Jack made me so happy. It gave me hope and reason that my life had turned around after dealing with infertility. I had never felt such happiness and love in my entire life. I was finally pregnant and I was finally a mother. It was a feeling I had wanted for so long, and my son, Jack, was the reason why I finally felt that. The love I felt for Jack as he was inside of me and the love I feel for Jack now make the person I am today. Losing Jack was the hardest thing I have ever been through but it has made me the person I am today as well. It also makes me realize how short our lives are and how much we need to express our love and gratitude.

We should show appreciation often because you never know. But if not everyday, let this month of November help you take time to thank the people in your lives and realize all the little things that you should be grateful for. If only I could have held Jack a little longer and told him thank you. If only I could have let my father know how much I appreciated his kindness and love. If only my mother could understand how much I appreciated our relationship as I grew up. These are things I may not be able to do, but I will kiss Samantha a few more times this month. I will tell Sean "I love you" more often. I will reach out to my sister more just to say hi. I will let my friends know how much they mean to me. My life has been one hell of a roller coaster and I know the bumps and loops are not over, but I also do have a lot of ups in my life and for those, I am truly grateful.

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