Wednesday, March 19, 2014

It's been a while....

My beautiful baby boy is always on my mind. He's around my neck. He's in my living room. There's a piece of him in my heart. And there is a piece of my heart missing because he's not with us. Everyday that goes by, when little things get to me, I stop and say to myself, "take a deep breath, Jack is watching over you, and remember the important things in life". I am guilty of not realizing that there are things I should let go of, things I should not care about so much, and there are things I have no control over. And I still hope that people can let go of the trivial things and realize what matters most. I think of Jack at these moments and ask him to just help me get by. I ask him to keep our little family strong. I can't believe it will be 3 years this year. I can't believe that I have to ask my son for the strength I need versus him looking to me. My little angel is so important to us. 

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