Saturday, February 7, 2015

Another death

Our darling Cosmo was put down yesterday. He was a crazy dog. He made me crazy at times. But through it all, he was the best companion we have had. We loved him and he loved us. He survived through a lot, but age finally got to him. His heart and his lungs couldn't do it anymore. We tried medicine, but it didn't seem to be working. It was more like torture for him. He didn't eat anymore. He looked so skinny. So, so skinny.

When I call the dogs to go out, I want to say his name. When I lie on the couch, I look for his ears to play with. When I feed the dogs, I look for the 3rd bowl. I miss him. A lot. I question if we should have waited a little longer. I question if we should have forced more medicine on him. But it was so hard to watch him how he was. He wasn't happy. He barely could move. I felt like it was time for him to go.

I wonder if dogs and people see each other after death. And as I have said it before, I sure hope so....